‘The Plains of Kallanash’ now available for pre-order
The book is written, the final edits are done, the cover artwork is finished, formatting is complete and the files are uploaded to KDP. So now I just have to wait until the publication date I’ve decided on before pushing the button. But hang on a minute – Amazon now has a cool new toy for self-publishers. We can set a book up for pre-orders, just like the big boys. Even a complete newbie like me. I dithered a bit about it – once the date gets close, I can’t change anything! And what if I’ve made a mistake! It’s a bit like those did-I-leave-the-gas-on moments when you’re on the way to the airport. But my daughter assured me it would be cool to have pre-ordering available, so I went for it. And – hey presto! ‘Tis done. ‘The Plains of Kallanash’ is now available for pre-ordering, at special introductory […]