Paranormal DNF: ‘Morning Star’ by Desiree Finkbeiner

Posted November 29, 2014 by PaulineMRoss in Review / 1 Comment

This is one of those books that I picked up yonks ago in the enthusiasm of a brand new Kindle, which has lurked forgotten ever since. And somehow my tastes have changed in the interim. What seemed like an interesting idea now doesn’t grab me at all.

Here’s the premise: Brianna (or Bree) is a normal teenage girl, albeit with an unusual interest in mushrooms, when she encounters a giant dragonfly and falls down the stairs. As anyone would. She recovers remarkably quickly, but then the dragonflies are everywhere, and Bree sees an attractive stranger, Kalen, who fascinates her. He speaks and dresses oddly, and is unfamiliar with common customs. From then onwards, things escalate, involving a specific mushroom Bree found some years earlier, and another stranger with dragonflies and evil intent.

And somehow none of it captivated me, and Bree’s insta-lust attraction towards Kalen got tedious very quickly. There’s nothing particularly wrong with this book, so if you like a story where a teenage girl gets swept up in otherworldly stuff, you’d probably enjoy this. I gave up at the 15% mark. 1* for a DNF.


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